If you’re a CISO, dealing with risk is the name of the game. CISOs however don’t play to win; they play not to lose. To prevent an attack, they need to know their environment inside and out. While most organizations monitor what information comes in, they don’t see or track what information goes out. This invites risk. Who sent what sensitive data to whom? Is it normal for a payroll admin to download and send 30 MB of data to someone with a yahoo email address? CISOs must also communicate with their organization in a language they understand. A potential miscommunication could expose a vulnerability and lead to a cybersecurity incident.
CISO Street sat down with Eric Ballantyne, CRO and CISO at General Datatech (GDT), earlier this year to discuss some of the cybersecurity challenges he faces in the IT industry. In this video, Eric shares what he believes are the top security risks CISOs face.