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Robert Dougherty

Robert Dougherty

Director of Communications, Accellion

Strategic communications professional with expertise in crafting targeted, compelling content that drives awareness and elevates an organization’s brand.

All Posts by Robert Dougherty

COVID-19 Reveals This One Secret CISOs Hoped to Hide

COVID-19 Reveals This One Secret CISOs Hoped to Hide

The CISO role has critical implications for a company’s revenues, profits, shareholder value, and brand. The position therefore favors individuals who make calculated decisions based on data and business objectives rather than emotions. Since COVID-19, however, CISOs have shown a seldom seen side of their personalities.

Jimmy Xu Answers Your DevSecOps Questions

Jimmy Xu Answers Your DevSecOps Questions

Jimmy Xu, Director of DevSecOps & Cloud Security at Trace3, recently presented “Mastering DevSecOps.” Jimmy’s presentation generated lots of great questions, which he graciously answered below. If you missed his presentation or would like to watch it again, you can view it below.

Why Hackers Can’t Wait for School to Start

Why Hackers Can’t Wait for School to Start

Schools will struggle with more than COVID-19 as kids return this Fall – whether virtually, on campus, or a combination of the two. Colleges and universities contain lots of sensitive data that hackers cherish. Unless schools protect this PII, PHI, and IP, hackers will use it for social engineering, financial fraud, or a competitive advantage.

COVID-19 Is Just the Beginning for CISOs. Here’s Why.

COVID-19 Is Just the Beginning for CISOs. Here’s Why.

Think CISOs can rest following COVID-19? Think again. CISOs were by and large prepared for COVID-19. They navigated the workforce transition from the office to home seamlessly and addressed any vulnerabilities quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, CISOs didn’t get much of a chance to celebrate their success.

CISOs Are So Lucky and the Coronavirus Proves It

CISOs Are So Lucky and the Coronavirus Proves It

CISOs adapted to the COVID-19 work from home transition quickly and avoided serious disruption even though most did not foresee a global pandemic impacting nearly every employee. Luck of the Irish? Maybe we should call it “Luck of the CISO.”

It’s the Service Providers You Value the Most That Hurt You the Worst

It’s the Service Providers You Value the Most That Hurt You the Worst

No man is an island. The same can be said about your business. Your organization relies on countless people for its survival, let alone its success. Ironically, many of these contributors work for someone else. Suppliers, vendors, consultants, contractors, and other service providers deliver tremendous value to organizations. Unfortunately, these service providers also pose significant risk.

Want to Close the Skills Gap? Here’s How.

Want to Close the Skills Gap? Here’s How.

The only constant in life is change. Sometimes change comes from an existential crisis. Need proof? Ask a CISO. The cybersecurity function traditionally solved technology problems with technology solutions. Cybersecurity experts learned however that technology is only part of the equation. Businesses do not function without people.

What CISOs and Cat Herders Have in Common

What CISOs and Cat Herders Have in Common

What do CISOs and cat herders have in common? Both are good at herding cats. This may be an odd skill for a highly-skilled profession that couples technology with risk mitigation. But the CISO role is a people role first and foremost. This requires the CISO to attend lots of meetings, ask lots of questions, and provide expert counsel.

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