Kicking butt isn’t easy. Any tough guy will tell you that. It’s a dirty job that takes preparation, creativity, and perseverance. In the 1980s, TV tough guy Hannibal Smith, leader of “The A-Team” (essentially a gang of tough guys), used to celebrate a successful mission with a cigar and the claim, “I love it when a good plan comes together.” Preparation was the A-Team’s key to success. Is it any different for a CISO? You know the old saying: when you fail to plan, you plan to fail. This applies to tough guys ambushing bad guys or CISOs protecting an organization’s intellectual property. The CISO who anticipates data breaches or cyber attacks and plans accordingly, is better prepared to deal with them or avoid them altogether. With careful planning, CISOs also make smart hires, buy the right technology, and embrace standards that make sense. With enough preparation, CISOs could also beat up bad guys, liberate villages, and rescue hostages.
Prior to COVID-19, CISO Street sat down with Drew Simonis, the Deputy CISO for Hewlett Packard Enterprises, to discuss some of the lessons he’s learned in his career. In this video, Drew shares his top three suggestions for CISO success, which share a common theme.