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Serve And Protect (In That Order)

Serve And Protect (In That Order)

Can you blame the CISO who wants to quash any tool, system, or process that invites risk into the organization? CISOs face embarrassing data breaches and unceremonious terminations when employees connect unauthorized devices and applications to the network, leave unlocked computers unattended, or engage in other risky behavior.

There’s No Tech Like Old Tech

There’s No Tech Like Old Tech

Compliance checklists and attestations only go so far in mitigating cyber risk. They demonstrate a partner’s commitment to cybersecurity awareness however they only capture a snapshot in time. A vendor, contractor or supplier is just one connected device or phishing email away from a security incident. That vulnerability puts your partners, and ultimately you, at risk.

To Reach the Top, Do This Extremely Well

To Reach the Top, Do This Extremely Well

For CISOs who desire the proverbial seat at the table, they must do more than protect the business. They must intimately know the business; how it functions, what are its competitive advantages, and, of course, where are the inherent risks. As a CISO, do you know who your internal and external customers are?

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