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Did Your BCP Pass The COVID-19 Test?

Did Your BCP Pass The COVID-19 Test?

A business continuity plan (BCP) ensures organizations continue operating in the event of an interruption like a hurricane, earthquake or fire. Like the old saying goes, “failing to plan is planning to fail.” Few businesses however anticipated a global pandemic like COVID-19. Despite the increase in remote work over the last decade, even the most comprehensive BCPs were stress tested against the sudden shift from the corporate office to the home office, couch, or dining room table.

Want to Beat COVID-19? Consult a CISO

Want to Beat COVID-19? Consult a CISO

To paraphrase the military mastermind Sun Tzu, you must know your enemy before you can defeat him. Infectious disease experts around the world look to do the same with the coronavirus. To contain a viral outbreak, scientists must identify the virus’ origin and track its spread. Once located, scientists study the virus’ behavior and develop a containment plan. CISOs work the same way. At the first sign of malware or another virus, CISOs analyze metadata and user behavior to locate the malicious file or code. Security teams learn how the virus got in and how it spread. All impacted systems, applications, and endpoints must be quarantined. To beat an enemy, you must know how the enemy operates, regardless of whether the fight takes place in the natural world, a corporate network, or on the battlefield.

You May Never Become a CISO Unless You Learn This Vital Skill

You May Never Become a CISO Unless You Learn This Vital Skill

There’s much more to the CISO role than technology expertise. For some CISO roles, technology expertise is just the price of admission. For others, technology expertise is viewed as a limitation and therefore relegated to direct reports. There is vast ecosystem of cybersecurity solutions and it’s possible (although not practical) to build a defense so impermeable that nothing bad gets in and nothing sensitive leaks out. While that may seem ideal, the business cannot function under these extremes.

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