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What CISOs Must Do When Cyberattacks Spread Like Wildfire

What CISOs Must Do When Cyberattacks Spread Like Wildfire

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen the damage forest fires have wreaked upon landscapes and communities in recent years. When a forest fire moves at the speed of 80 football fields per minute, fire fighters are powerless to contain the blaze. Unfortunately, CISOs can relate. Once a file containing malicious code is opened, malware can spread like wildfire throughout an organization’s network, taking down systems and bringing business operations to a grinding halt.

The Secret to CISO Success? Be Offensive.

The Secret to CISO Success? Be Offensive.

Just about anyone who engages in some form of competition knows the best defense is a good offense. When an opponent moves or strikes first, he is in control and therefore possesses a strategic advantage. Modern CISOs have adopted this approach but it represents a shift in thinking. Cybersecurity originated as a defensive action. CISOs focused on repelling attacks and preventing data from unauthorized access.

Instead of Asking a CISO ‘What Keeps You Up at Night,’ Ask This

Instead of Asking a CISO ‘What Keeps You Up at Night,’ Ask This

a CISO has never been asked “what keeps you up at night,” either no one knows he’s a CISO or everyone knows he’s a lousy CISO and doesn’t bother asking. Ideally, a CISO has the right programs, processes, and people in place so that he can sleep at night. This is every CISO’s goal. Once the fundamentals have been addressed and everyone in the organization knows what to do, how to do it, and when to do it, the CISO can prepare for tomorrow rather than worry about today. Then the pressing question asked of CISOs becomes not “what keeps you up at night,” but instead “what gets you out of bed every morning.” This new question represents a new mindset.

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