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What CISOs and Cat Herders Have in Common

What CISOs and Cat Herders Have in Common

What do CISOs and cat herders have in common? Both are good at herding cats. This may be an odd skill for a highly-skilled profession that couples technology with risk mitigation. But the CISO role is a people role first and foremost. This requires the CISO to attend lots of meetings, ask lots of questions, and provide expert counsel.

Is There Anything a CISO Can’t Do?

Is There Anything a CISO Can’t Do?

For employees lucky enough to work from home during COVID-19, the pandemic’s impact on work and work culture cannot be overstated. At home workers now function in an environment devoid of the perks they took for granted, like social interaction, commercial broadband, conference rooms. Inevitably, CISOs took for granted perks like corporate networks, firewalls, and authorized devices and applications.

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