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Here’s How CISOs are Responding to the New Normal

Here’s How CISOs are Responding to the New Normal

The work environment changed drastically in mid-March as the global pandemic chased employees out of the corporate office and into the home office. Cybersecurity changed too as a result. If working from home is the new normal, organizations benefit when CISOs stay ahead of the curve, whether moving systems to the cloud, monitoring printer or USB use, or conducting phishing simulations targeting their employees.

Only the Human Firewall Stands Between Hackers and Your Data

Only the Human Firewall Stands Between Hackers and Your Data

It’s no secret that employees – whether they’re your employees or a partner’s – are the weakest link in your cybersecurity program. Regardless of an organization’s product, service, size, or industry, employees play an integral role in ensuring the business operates efficiently. Unfortunately, employees also play an integral role in exposing the organization’s intellectual property to unauthorized parties.

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