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A Conversation with Brian Fricke

A Conversation with Brian Fricke

In this interview, Brian explains how he transitioned employees from the office to the home, the need to redefine normal in a post-pandemic world, how he balances the company’s security needs with employee productivity and how he sees the CISO role evolving. He also shares the strangest issue he’s faced as a CISO, and what he does every Friday morning to stay engaged with his team.

Want to Be a CISO? Know This First.

Want to Be a CISO? Know This First.

“Trust but verify” is a mantra CISOs have traditionally applied to IT security but are now embracing when vetting technologies and technology vendors. Confined by tight budgets and an aversion to shelfware, CISOs need to be extremely confident in their technology investments. Ultimately, referrals, not flashy demos, matter. So for technology vendors looking to sell to CISOs, make sure your current customers love your product before selling it to anyone else.

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