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Only a Few CISOs Can Answer These Remote Work Questions

Only a Few CISOs Can Answer These Remote Work Questions

When the pandemic hit, employees worldwide made the shift to remote work overnight. Is remote work the new normal or will companies adopt a hybrid solution? What does either option mean for the future of commercial real estate? The prospect of long-term remote work raises new financial, cybersecurity, and legal concerns for many organizations, leading to even more headaches for CISOs.

CISO Street recently moderated a virtual CISO panel and asked panelists about their perspectives on current cyber trends and challenges. In this video, Christopher Rence, Chief Data, Compliance, Security and Risk Officer for EQUUS Holdings and Darrell Jones, former CISO with Ares Management, share their thoughts on remote work and the potential long-term problems it may cause.

These Cloud Challenges Could Knock You Back Down to Earth

These Cloud Challenges Could Knock You Back Down to Earth

The cloud made the transition to working from home during the pandemic a lot easier. Applications like Office 365 allowed employees to transition from the corporate office to the home office with little disruption. The successful shift to telework proved that if an employee has a good internet connection, he or she can work from practically anywhere. Organizations continue to move systems and workflows to the cloud with the realization that the shift to remote work may stick even after everyone has been vaccinated. Buyers must beware, though, as this rush to the cloud brings plenty of challenges and invites risk.

CISOs Balance Data Security and Availability When They Do This

CISOs Balance Data Security and Availability When They Do This

Everyone has adjusted to remote work by now, though certain challenges remain eight months into the pandemic. CISOs continue their search for the right balance between data protection and data accessibility. The struggle is real, as the sharp increase in phishing and ransomware attacks indicate. CISOs have better success when they know which data types require access, who needs it, and how will they share it and with whom. This framework lets CISOs overlay strict security and governance controls to ensure employee adherence.
CISO Street recently moderated a virtual CISO panel and asked panelists about their perspectives on current cyber trends and challenges. In this video, Mark Butler, CISO & SVP for MegaplanIT explains how CISOs can mitigate risk when giving employees working remotely access to sensitive data.

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