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Stagehand: S1 Episode 6

Stagehand: S1 Episode 6

Keith and I left the scene like we found it: the two kidnappers dead on the floor, their shotgun up against the wall, and the rope used to tie up Carl Timmons sprawled out on the floor. We tipped off local law enforcement and were gone before they arrived, leaving no trace we were ever there.

What Is Zero Trust Anyway?

What Is Zero Trust Anyway?

The difference between the success and failure of a data classification program is a lack of action. The purpose of this blog post is to provide you with enough background and understanding to develop a plan. Here is a framework, something to develop into a plan and intelligently pitch to senior management. The following will give you the tools to persuade the required business leaders to implement a successful Data Classification program.

Why Bots Are the Next Big Thing in Account Takeover Fraud

Why Bots Are the Next Big Thing in Account Takeover Fraud

Automated measuring of control effectiveness is a very good idea conceptually. Unfortunately, organisations can’t confidently say their controls are really deployed everywhere they’re expected.
When software reaches EOL, it means that program will no longer be supported by the developer and there will be no more updates. Without updates and bug fixes, this software becomes vulnerable to hackers and cyber criminals.

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