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A Conversation with Endre Walls – Part 2

A Conversation with Endre Walls – Part 2

In part 2 of this interview with Endre Jarraux Walls, EVP and CISO for Customers Bancorp and Customers Bank, Endre explains what CISOs and fire chiefs have in common and shares his views on zero trust. He has sage advice for anyone looking to get into cybersecurity, and for CISOs in their first 90 days on the job to ensure they have another 5,000.

Our Supply Chain Panelists Answer Your Questions

Our Supply Chain Panelists Answer Your Questions

Alan Levine, CISO at Alcoa (retired) and Advisor, Jason Lewkowicz, Global CISO, for Cognizant, Matthew Butkovic, Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, and Eris Symms, CISO for Arconic Corporation collaborated to answer viewer questions from our latest webinar, “The Race to Secure Your Supply Chain”.
While most questions were addressed during the webinar, moderator Alan Levine subsequently provided additional insight. If you missed this webinar or would like to watch it again, you can view it below.

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