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CISO Interviews

The Secret to CISO Success? Be Offensive.

The Secret to CISO Success? Be Offensive.

Just about anyone who engages in some form of competition knows the best defense is a good offense. When an opponent moves or strikes first, he is in control and therefore possesses a strategic advantage. Modern CISOs have adopted this approach but it represents a shift in thinking. Cybersecurity originated as a defensive action. CISOs focused on repelling attacks and preventing data from unauthorized access.

Instead of Asking a CISO ‘What Keeps You Up at Night,’ Ask This

Instead of Asking a CISO ‘What Keeps You Up at Night,’ Ask This

a CISO has never been asked “what keeps you up at night,” either no one knows he’s a CISO or everyone knows he’s a lousy CISO and doesn’t bother asking. Ideally, a CISO has the right programs, processes, and people in place so that he can sleep at night. This is every CISO’s goal. Once the fundamentals have been addressed and everyone in the organization knows what to do, how to do it, and when to do it, the CISO can prepare for tomorrow rather than worry about today. Then the pressing question asked of CISOs becomes not “what keeps you up at night,” but instead “what gets you out of bed every morning.” This new question represents a new mindset.

Want to Beat COVID-19? Consult a CISO

Want to Beat COVID-19? Consult a CISO

To paraphrase the military mastermind Sun Tzu, you must know your enemy before you can defeat him. Infectious disease experts around the world look to do the same with the coronavirus. To contain a viral outbreak, scientists must identify the virus’ origin and track its spread. Once located, scientists study the virus’ behavior and develop a containment plan. CISOs work the same way. At the first sign of malware or another virus, CISOs analyze metadata and user behavior to locate the malicious file or code. Security teams learn how the virus got in and how it spread. All impacted systems, applications, and endpoints must be quarantined. To beat an enemy, you must know how the enemy operates, regardless of whether the fight takes place in the natural world, a corporate network, or on the battlefield.

You May Never Become a CISO Unless You Learn This Vital Skill

You May Never Become a CISO Unless You Learn This Vital Skill

There’s much more to the CISO role than technology expertise. For some CISO roles, technology expertise is just the price of admission. For others, technology expertise is viewed as a limitation and therefore relegated to direct reports. There is vast ecosystem of cybersecurity solutions and it’s possible (although not practical) to build a defense so impermeable that nothing bad gets in and nothing sensitive leaks out. While that may seem ideal, the business cannot function under these extremes.

To Reach the Top, Do This Extremely Well

To Reach the Top, Do This Extremely Well

For CISOs who desire the proverbial seat at the table, they must do more than protect the business. They must intimately know the business; how it functions, what are its competitive advantages, and, of course, where are the inherent risks. As a CISO, do you know who your internal and external customers are?

Modern CISOs Don’t Say This Word Anymore

Modern CISOs Don’t Say This Word Anymore

When it’s your job to limit risk, it’s understandable to be wary of anything new. It’s much easier to stick to the formula because it’s safe and predictable. In a competitive business environment, however, the company that avoids innovation falls behind. Nevertheless if a company adopts a new technology solution with no consideration given to protecting customer information or intellectual property, a data breach is inevitable.

CISO Panels

Successful CISOs Use This Essential Tool Sparingly

Successful CISOs Use This Essential Tool Sparingly

If you think looking for a needle in a hay stack would be tough, imagine looking for a needle in a needle stack. Not just any needle, but a very specific needle that could stop a cyber attack or prevent a data breach. In the Information Age, every organization is saddled with needle stacks, or more specifically, copious amounts of data.

COVID-19 Is Just the Beginning for CISOs. Here’s Why.

COVID-19 Is Just the Beginning for CISOs. Here’s Why.

Think CISOs can rest following COVID-19? Think again. CISOs were by and large prepared for COVID-19. They navigated the workforce transition from the office to home seamlessly and addressed any vulnerabilities quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, CISOs didn’t get much of a chance to celebrate their success.

CISOs Are So Lucky and the Coronavirus Proves It

CISOs Are So Lucky and the Coronavirus Proves It

CISOs adapted to the COVID-19 work from home transition quickly and avoided serious disruption even though most did not foresee a global pandemic impacting nearly every employee. Luck of the Irish? Maybe we should call it “Luck of the CISO.”

Is There Anything a CISO Can’t Do?

Is There Anything a CISO Can’t Do?

For employees lucky enough to work from home during COVID-19, the pandemic’s impact on work and work culture cannot be overstated. At home workers now function in an environment devoid of the perks they took for granted, like social interaction, commercial broadband, conference rooms. Inevitably, CISOs took for granted perks like corporate networks, firewalls, and authorized devices and applications.

Avoid These WFH Pitfalls

Avoid These WFH Pitfalls

By now, we have all acclimated to a work from home world. Benefits like free dress, more family meals, and no commute far exceed the disadvantages. Hackers bet on the employee who works with his feet up has probably let his guard down. Reliance on home networks, connected personal devices, and VPN connections put PII, PHI, and IP at great risk. Cyber attacks including phishing, business email compromise, and credential stuffing have therefore increased significantly since the quarantine began.

CISO Sillies

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